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Training Course Application

Personal Details

Current Employment

Previous Work Experience

Most recent first

Fitness, Leisure and Health Qualifications

(please ensure your qualification is recognised by visiting www.repsireland.ie)

Higher Education
Post Primary Education
Supporting Statement

Please describe why you wish to become a local coordinator & why you feel that you are suited to this role

Pre Test

The following pre-test has been compiled to test your basic gym instructor knowledge and your ability to apply this knowledge in a practical setting. Please complete without use of textbooks or the internet in order to provide a true representation of your knowledge and abilities. If you find that the test is a big challenge and you cannot complete it within 90min, you may wish to reconsider applying for the course at this stage in your career.

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  2. Hinge
    Ball and Socket
  3. 1.2.
Candidate declaration
  1. Yes
  2. Yes*
    *If yes please ensure you post your service level agreement to the ilam office prior to the application deadline
  1. I have read the course information and completed the application form in full
  2. I have completed the pre-test myself
  3. I meet the prerequisites and am aware I am responsible for maintaining valid first aid and Garda vetting
  4. I declare that the information in this application is true

There were errors on the form, please make sure all required fields(*) are fill out correctly.

You will receive email notification that your application has been received from ILAM office. If you do not receive notification please email the ILAM office. Your application will be checked to ensure you meet the prerequisites and then sent to the selection committee. You will then receive confirmation of your application outcome.

For more information please contact ILAM, Training Course Organiser, or 045 859950 Please post SLA to ILAM, Allenwood Enterprise Park, Allenwood North, Co. Kildare

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The GP Exercise Referral Programme

The GP Exercise Referral Programme provides a pathway of physical activity to assist in the prevention and management chronic disease. The pathway offers professional support over 12 weeks to encourage health behaviour modification and retention of an active lifestyle.

Contact Us Today

If you live in an area that is currently operating the programme and are interested in being referred please consult your GP or you can.

Mail Gemma at: